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CAS Assessment Guidelines
- CORE Assessment Outcomes can be changed every year if the assessment liaison chooses. However, it is advised that the same outcomes be assessed over consecutive reporting periods, in order to report changes over time.
- CORE Courses that have Global Learning Outcomes can use their Global Learning Outcomes and Results for their CORE assessment results, if the Global Learning Outcome satisfies the discipline’s assessment categories.
- Online CORE classes must be assessed and reported separately from their in-person versions.
SLOs and POs
-All POs need to have a minimum of 3 outcomes.
- All undergraduate program SLOs must assess these 5 mandatory outcomes: Written Communication, Oral Communication, Technology, Critical Thinking, and Content Knowledge.
- All graduate program SLOs must assess at least 3 of the following 4 outcomes: Written Communication, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking, and Content Knowledge.
-As for programs that are 50% or more online, if there is an in person and online version of the course where oral comm. is being assessed, 10 (or 10%) of the samples for each and report them that way. Best practices, however, would indicate that oral communication be assessed in both, and the assessments are divided according to the students who took 50% or more of their classes online.
- Results for 50% or more Online POs can be identical to the results for their respective In-Person POs for outcomes where separating the data makes it not feasible or appropriate.
- If the capstone or (its equivalent) for a 50% or more Online program was not offered online in a given academic year, then assessment for that program can be skipped for the academic year in question.
- For example, if the capstone for (INSERT PROGRAM NAME) BA was not offered online in AY 15-16, then the dept. will need to report that the capstone course was not offered online for the AY 15-16, and that data was thus not collected for the 50% or more Online SLO for that year.
- Any assessment documents which refer to rubrics in their assessment methods, must have the specified rubrics attached to their assessment results (regardless assessment type, e.g. SLOs, POs, AAs, CORE)
- If a program has both a Fully-Online Program version and a 50% or more Online Program version, then beginning with the year that the Fully Online Program started, the 50% or more online program assessment does not have be assessed any longer.
- All Fully Online Undergraduate Programs and 50% or more Online Undergraduate Programs must assess Oral Communication as one of their Assessment Outcomes, in addition to the Written Communication Assessment Outcome.
Certificate Programs
Assessment Requirements: All standalone certificate programs will be held to the high assessment standards that apply to degree-granting programs. As such, standalone certificate programs must create appropriate student learning and program outcomes, as well as design applicable assessment methods to measure these outcomes. These programs will be required to report the results of these outcomes each year, according to their assigned assessment cycle. Standalone certificate programs must maintain enrollment records of all students. An application must be on file with the department, as well as a completed program of study.
Additionally, any certificate program that qualifies for gainful employment and, thus, has a financial aid eligible status must also assess program outcomes. Unlike student learning outcomes that solely focus on measuring student proficiency on specific learning competencies, program outcomes focus on efficiency measures. These include completion rates, enrollment numbers, and other similar measures. Certificate programs will be required to report the results of these outcomes each year, according to their assigned assessment cycles.
-All undergraduate and graduate certificate SLOs must assess 3 mandatory outcomes: Written Communication, Critical Thinking, and Content Knowledge.
-All undergraduate and graduate certificate POs must assess at least 3 outcomes.
-If a Certificate Program offers certificates to students who are not enrolled in a degree-seeking program, then that Certificate Program is considered a Stand Alone Program; the director of the program must submit annual SLO and PO Assessment Documents for the Certificate Program to be in compliance with SACS.